A performance lecture and exercise in conceptual procreation and virtual storytelling


Part of ‘Performance; strategy and pro­cess’, a series of events around Adrian Piper’s exhibition and talk, curated by Adelaide Bannerman

This ongoing research project aims to explore digital-human relationships at the edge of Language. Members of the public are encouraged to construct a non verbal dialogue with my virtual self.

The performance lecture is built around a slide show of words, images and sound weaving together personal, theoretical, conceptual, critical, fictional, and whimsical concepts behind the creation of VINST and its vocabulary. The story evolves each time it is told, according to my mood but also depending on which ears are listening.

Then VINST becomes alive and makes its first sounds Yaaaaaahhhhhaaahah

VINST is a unique vocal instrument, part human part virtual: an extraordinary fusion of human body and digital technology responding to touch but also to mood and sensibility.

(1 ) VINST vocabulary is based on vowels used as pure tones combined with consonants as percussive and rythmic interventions, the natural sounds of emotions (laughing, crying, sighing,….) and sensations ( pain, pleasure…) and a few phonemes which are unique to VINST. Around 50 different sounds
(2 ) VINST has a virtual sex organ which is neither male or female but a distortion of both, a uniball hanging from the pelvis down to the knees and the sonic location for various degrees of pleasure.
(3) Via VINST one may release and share emotions and sensations thus transforming them into (non) melodic sound works. (according to one’s musical abilities taste and sensibilities).


– Birth of VINST2 II took place on 3rd March 2005 –   Metropolitan University music department, Lon­don
– Birth of VINST2 III,  December 2005 – Trampoline platform for media art, Broadway cinema, Nottingham
– Birth of VINST2 IV with Paper/demonstration, January 2006 – MINDPLAY conference, Metropolitan University
 -Birth of VINST3 performance lecture, VINST3 installation, Sept 2006 -DHRA 2006 conference, Dartington hall
– Birth of VINST3 I – July 06 –  International talk series, LINZ Kunst Akademy, Austria
– Birth of VINST3 II –  January2007 – livegarden initiative talk series, Goldsmiths

Programmed in Max MSP and Jitter by Sebastian Lexer
with financial support from Arts Council London and UCCA research Fund


A unique vocal instrument, part human part virtual – a body without organs – responding to touch but also to mood and sensibility. It consists of my body image displaying points of sonic sensitivity. The sounds are pre- or non- linguistic, and are based on how the body reacts to touch and how it produces sound. I personally derive as much pleasure playing (with) my virtual self as from watching others doing so.