The Beehive, London
First public outing of a work in progress for Hard Work, an event curated by Paul Ingram and Ed Shipsey
Composed by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé
Performed by Marie-Cécile Reber ( field recordings, electronics), Emmnauelle Waeckerlé (voice)
A reading and walking through Henry David Thoreau lecture and essay Walking, written between 1851 and 1860, that he regarded as a sort of introduction to all that he wrote thereafter. Part stream of consciousness, part preaching, he talks about the importance of walking and nature to mankind.
In this work as in previous ones, I make analogies between reading as a form of walking the page and walking as a form of reading space. The original text has been drastically reduced to a few essential phrases and words. The instructions ask the performers to select carefully a few steps to take per page, each at their own pace. Voices speak or sing sentences, words, phonemes or letters, instruments use punctuation marks on wordless lines as graphic notations.
They were other performances by Amy Cutler, Iris Colomb, Montenegro Fisher and James L. Malone.