the Globe gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne
04/08/2000 - 27/08/2000
A reading of the body


A collaboration with Czech artist Robert Novak

Epidermis exploits a specific condition Robert suffers from (med.Urticaria, spec. Dermographism), his skin reacts to any contact with an object by developing a temporary relief scar. This minor yet spectacular skin imperfection is put to good use.

I have used the surface of Robert’s body as a ‘blank page’ onto which I, the writer, inscribe various words & symbols. The selective process of negotiation between us (through which the words are chosen) reveals a peculiar relationship developing between the writer, writing and the page. The whole process is recorded in a series of photographs and videos.


EPIDERMIS ‘a reading of the body’ (2000)
single screen projection  – 6.10 mins

Also exhibited  for “On my way to Timbuktu”  exhibition at I.F.A Berlin and I.F.A Bonn (Oct. 2002, Jan. 2003)